Monday 13 May 2013

Groups and associations

There are grous and associations in Torrelavega who are dedicated to the protection of nature. Here we explain some examples:

Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Greenpeace working on world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues.

Ecologists in Action is a confederation of over 300 Spanish ecological groups, founded 9 December 1998.
Ecologists in Action is aligned with the philosophy of social ecology, which views environmental problems as having their origin in an ever more unsustainable and globalizad model of production and consumption, a model that must be changed to resolve the ecological crisis.

The Association for the Natural Resources Defense of Cantabria (ARCA) was founded in March 1984, and acts in defense of the environment with clear objectives:
Raise awareness and sensitize public opinion, reporting and transmitting environmental ideas.
Combat decidedly any action that entails the destruction and degradation of the territory from an independent stance and adequate technical and scientific advice.

Acid rain

In Torrelavega there have been cases of acid rain, caused by factory emissions from Sniace and Solvay ( Acid rain is formed when the moisture in the air combines with the nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide emitted from factories, power plants and vehicles that burn coal or petroleum products.

There have been many complaints against these factories, which has forced them to put some special filters to clean their emissions. The number of cases of acid rain has fallen considerably since these filters have been installed, but there is still some acid rain. The problem has not been completely solved.

Monday 6 May 2013

Water legislation

Water laws are not respected in Torrelavega. Many factories do not comply and we all suffer the consequences because of the pollution of the river.

Five years ago, the company FROXA poured ammonia into the river Besaya. This caused the death of all the fish and every life form in the river. On May 13rd, three employees will be taken to court. (

Sniace, another local factory, is well-known for their dumps in the river, which are mainly uncontrolled and not until very recently have they started scrubbing waters. And the government has fined them 10,000 euros for all this dumping, a “very high price”, don't you think so?

River Saja

River Saja is located in northern Spain, on the Cantabrian coast. It flows through the Autonomous Region of Cantabria and into the Bay of Biscay. It merges with river Besaya in the town of Torrelavega.

With respect to ecological conservation of the river, is good from head to the bridge of Santa Lucia, where they begin to appreciate some alterations in the water.

Saturday 4 May 2013

River Besaya

River Besaya is located in northern Spain, on the Cantabrian coast. It flows through the Autonomous Region of Cantabria and into the Bay of Biscay. It merges with river Saja in the town of Torrelavega.

On the high side, you can see different waterfalls tucked into the woods, while the lower part is quite polluted due to discharges from factories.

In the river poured various substances that endanger the ecosystem of the area. Substances such as ammonia, chlorine, mercury ... The factories that dump these substances are Froxá, Sniace, Solvay ... (

Factory pollution

In Torrelavega there are numerous factories (Aspla, Solvay, Sniace, NPB and Bridgestone) that are polluting the city’s rivers.

These factories are located near the river in order to take advantage of its water, but instead of taking advantage of its natural water energy, they are also dumping waste into it (, endangering humans and wildlife living near the river.

There have been numerous protests against these factories, which have asked them to filter water before pouring it into the river.

Monday 22 April 2013

Rivers in Torrelavega

Torrelavega has a large river system they belong to more than ten rivers throughout the region. Some may seem that there are closer than they appear and do not see them.

Many of these rivers are tributaries are contaminated Besaya and so contaminate the creatures that live in them and the main river, and also pollute the water and therefore to us who are those who consume...

So it is very important to take care and every one of them very small and insignificant.